"Hydrogen = Energy Independence"

Cosmic irony. This is where we find ourselves today. Consider that the solution to some of the largest problems ever facing humanity is locked inside the universe's smallest atom. Hydrogen. The first element in the periodic table, this tiny, non-script atom is the most abundant element in the universe, and it will be instrumental in creating a healthier, more prosperous, and sustainable future for everyone.

Endlessly recyclable, hydrogen is the "perfect" energy carrier with no carbon. When used for energy production, the only bi-product is pure water. Imagine powering your home with your car.  Or waking up in the city and actually smelling the roses. Easy to do with NO pollution. And did we mention how quite it will be?  Imagine millions of manufacturing jobs opening up to build an unstoppable economic-recovery juggernaut that also just happens to be the best option for climate-stabilization. Hydrogen is the key, and Element One Technologies is about to unlock a future that, until now, has only been a dream.

The fact is, we CAN have a cleaner, more abundant planet. We have the technology. We have the resources. What we have not had, until now, is the economic and political drive to make the hydrogen economy a reality. This is changing rapidly in real-time. The Covid crises has only amplified what we already knew. The old ways are not working, are not sustainable, and are failing us.


The Hydrogen Economy will happen. Full stop.

The long-promised Hydrogen Economy is a fact. The very first beginnings of this new paradigm shift are being rolled out across the globe as more and more countries pledge to be carbon neutral by 2050. (Click here for list). Just how big is the Hydrogen Economy supposed to be? Big enough to crush the economic crises we find ourselves in right now. These are not trivial numbers. Goldman Sachs estimates the green hydrogen economy to be 12 trillion dollars by 2050 between Asia, Europe and the US. Without hydrogen, there will be no major economic recovery.

The European Commission on Hydrogen states the immediate importance of hydrogen quite simply: "Investment in hydrogen will foster sustainable growth and jobs, which will be critical in the context of recovery from the COVID-19 crisis." While the rest of the world is putting hundreds of billions into hydrogen technology for rapid deployment, most of the US is just waking up to this global phenomenon. The sleeping giant must awake again, and our resolve for a better, sustainable and healthier life must be absolute.

This clean-energy solution will be tackling the most immediate threats we have ever faced in modern times. From catastrophic climate change, to toxic pollution and environmental destruction, to food supply shortages, and global economic recovery - everything rests on the rapid development of hydrogen production and infrastructure support.

Ahead of its time

 At Element One Technologies, we understand hydrogen production like no one else. For the past twelve years, CEO and visionary Karl Rudisill has been meticulously developing a nation-wide rollout plan on the industrial scale. Using his decades of experience in building power plants all across America, he knew back then that hydrogen promised to be the only real, viable path forward to the looming climate and energy crises. His multi-tiered, phased rollout is designed to work in tandem with the soon-to be rocketing demand.

The promised hydrogen economy can only be a reality with large-scale production and distribution on truly an epic platform. No other company is positioned to take full advantage of the mammoth production required to fully implement the Hydrogen Economy more than Element One Technologies (EOT).

Because we're so fond of the littlest of all atoms - we have distilled EOT's mission down to an equally simple equation: We are dedicated to building a healthier, more abundant civilization based on clean, reliable energy. Simple, clean, and powerful - just like hydrogen.

Not even the sky's the limit as our hydrogen technology and benefits sweep across the globe and eventually moves into outer space exploration. The future, as we see it, is overflowing with opportunity and advancement for everyone. Hydrogen offers the best hope for a better future, and we invite you to join us on this magnificent, world-changing voyage.

We have developed a multi-tiered production plan that will meet even the most demanding needs for hydrogen, hybrid fuels, and new clean-energy production technologies. The ultimate goal is to eventually produce all hydrogen from clean, reliable and zero-emission energy resources that includes a vast array of front end energy supplies. To get there, we're going to need everyone's help. This is an unprecedented time in history, and we need to make every minute count. Join us on Facebook, twitter, and LinkedIn for the latest updates and to learn what you and your community can do to prepare and capitalize on this rapidly developing global paradigm shift.

Element One Technologies needed the world to catch up to us. And now that it has - buckle up. You've never seen anything like the world-change that is about to happen.


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